Frequently Asked Questions

We are 100% volunteer run, we rely on committee members and volunteers to help us run the shop.

You are allowed a maximum of 12 toys per fortnight.

No, every toy is free to hire, but you must have a current membership. Please view our pricing page for more information.

New-born – 8 years.

The toys are there for the enjoyment of the kids, we do not want you to hesitate to hire them out in case a piece is lost. All we ask for is honesty, if you misplace a piece please let us know and look for it during the next fortnight. If the piece cannot be found or the toy is not able to be used due to being broken the committee will discuss whether the toy can function without this piece or if it needs to be replaced.

Of course, we are all parents and we value you taking time out from your busy families to help us so please feel free to bring them to your shift.

We try and make sure we have a bi monthly meeting which usually takes an hour, we often have our kids there so please do not let this hold you back from joining our fun group. If we have grants that need to be applied for we often meet for a quick 15-minute meeting when required.

Yes! Great for when the grandkids visit during the holidays! This is what we call our monthly membership, $10 per month that it is required.

Yes, we do close during the Christmas school holidays but don’t worry you are still able to hire toys out over this period. We usually close the week before Christmas and open again the second week of the new year. We also close over Easter and other public holiday weekends during the year. We do not close during school term holidays.